Tips for the Makeup Novice

I have compiled a few tips that I have learned about makeup over the years. They are things I learned when I was new to doing makeup. These things cover purchasing products amongst the large array of brands, products, formulas and colors.

Professional Help

If your going to get professional help or have them apply makeup and show you, whether at your M.A.C store, Sephora, Ulta Beauty or makeup counter at in a store ex. Nordstrom, let them know that it’s your first time and the amount of experience you have. Unless you ask for a specific look, the artist will probably do a natural simple look for someone who has little experience and is new to wearing makeup. If you say you’re new to makeup or need help for something specific or if it’s your first time, they will be prepared to explain and show you how they do things. They can recommend products as well, whereas an experienced person probably already has an idea for what products suit them.

Starting with Neutrals

When you are new to wearing makeup, it is good to start with neutrals as from experience it can be a big change to start with a intense smokey eye or bright colors. Makeup can change your whole look, contouring, brows, lips and lashes can really change your look for good of bad. If your used to a no makeup face then it can look weird and strange to suddenly have a red lip or filled-in bold brows. Plus mistakes with neutrals a less noticeable than with bold and dark colors.


If you suddenly start wearing makeup or go from basic neutral makeup to bold and intense looks it is likely you will have people comment. Sometimes insults or just a statement. Even friends and family will comment on your new look. Comments like “why are you wearing so much makeup?” or “I like you better without” can make you question you look. Just remember it is a change for them to, they are used to seeing no or natural makeup. It’s like getting glasses or having long hair then cutting it. It is a big change and many people go with a natural everyday look most days, but just wait and see if they get used to it. If someone says so or if you feel the need, go look and see if there is something you made a mistake on something. But keep practicing if you did make a mistake.


Certain looks and style are hard to master at the beginning. Watching videos don’t always help. Take into account that they may be using different products, tools and have much more experience. Just practice in your free time, if you don’t like it, use makeup remover. You can also get used to makeup this way. Walking around your house not in public where your not judged can help build up the confidence and get used to wearing makeup. If you watch video tutorials, find a person or take into account that they have a different


When your shopping for makeup in the beginning you have probably seen the high-end products that are more expensive than drugstore products. Depending on your life style, you may just buy a fifty dollar primer for your first makeup and experiment with more expensive products which is totally fine. Some people may not know what to buy or the difference in the price and quality and don’t want to spend tons on trying to find the right products. I suggest going to a Ulta or makeup counter to get help, friends, YouTube or the Internet to find ask about products and pricing. As you get more experienced with makeup you will develop a taste for different brands, formulas and products, but I suggest first finding what you want to accomplish. This can really narrow down your options. Do you want longer or more voluminous lashes form your mascara? If you can deduce what you want from a product then it narrows down the options then you can deciphers the best at accomplishing what you want.